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Hey friends! And welcome to my website.

For years now, I felt God put this on my heart, to have a social media presence. And I would lay it down and pray about it often to see if it was just my own idea. But it kept coming back. This idea and dream to start a space where I could be creative and encourage others, and maybe even develop into an income for me and my family!

This past year as I was a new stay at home mom, I tried to really live in that space, in that place of BEING, and let it be a space of resting and not striving or producing. And it was so good, such a gift, and also filled with wrestling.

Wrestling with feeling like there was more for me to do. I didn’t struggle with my value, because I knew being a mom is so important, just being God’s child is enough. And it wasn’t really bothering me that I wasn’t bringing in income anymore. But, there was this nudge that wouldn’t quite go away in the back of my mind. And that nudge grew stronger, until I knew now was the time I needed to do this.

There have been a lot of things that have led up to this point, and in the last few weeks, I finally got my answers to some pretty direct questions I still had that were lingering and preventing me from starting, things that were pretty direct answers to prayer for me. The time to do this was now!

But I’m not going to lie, I feel very under-prepared. There is much to the social media world I don’t know. Just in the last couple of months I learned/re-learned what those “bubbles” on the top of instagram are called-“highlights!” I bought my website domain, and I’m to learning how to make/edit videos. But, even though I don’t yet know how to do it all, I’m going to learn as I go and not let that stop me. I don’t anticipate my start to be polished and perfect. In fact, I don’t know what this platform will look like overtime, but God doesn’t call us to pretty or perfect, He calls us to obedience.

So here we go! There’s so much I want to share. And I have so many ideas lined up and ready to go! I hope to use this space as a kind of lifestyle blog. Some of the big topics on my heart that I hope to dive into are topics I genuinely love to talk about in everyday real life. I’ll be talking about budgeting and meal planning, as I want to help moms who want to be at home, but don’t know how they could do that financially. I want to share about our journey through infertility and offer Biblical encouragement. I love cooking and baking, cake decorating, taking care of our home, and learning about essential oils. I love Jesus and the Bible. So I want to share it all. And to share all this framed around my heart for encouraging mamas, wives, and homemakers, to love Jesus and their families more. Whether you are one of those things already, or want to be one one day, and are in the waiting, I’m so glad you’re here and I hope that you’ll join me.

Disclaimer-I’m NOT an expert! I simply love to share what I’m learning and doing or hearing from other influencers. I want to share things that have helped and blessed me so I can help and bless others. And doing all of this gives me accountability as well.

Now, can I ask for your help? There are three things you can do.

One, pray. Please join me in prayer that God uses this space, that myself and my family stay encouraged and protected, and that the people that are supposed to be encouraged find this space.

Two, follow and share. I would love to have you follow along. You can do this a couple ways, you can join my email list on my homepage, and follow along on my instagram. And if you would be so kind, and you feel like you know someone who would be interested or need the encouragement please feel free to share with them too!

One last thing, I want to know what brings you here? So join the poll below, and I’d also love to hear from you in the comments. Let me know what area interests you the most? Biblical encouragement? Homemaking & meal planning? Budgeting and saving money? Fertility?

I’m so glad you’re here and so excited to see what God does! Until next time, God bless!

What are you interested in?

  • Faith, Biblical Encouragement

  • Homemaking

  • Family & fertility

  • Stewardship & budgeting

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